The (non-)existing scientific research on the Austrian civil service and its relations to politics


  • Peter Biegelbauer Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) / Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT)
  • Christoph Konrath Parlament
  • Benedikt Speer Fachhochschule Kärnten



Austria has been characterised as an archetypical case of an administrative state. It therefore is rather surprising that a comprehensive analysis of the Austrian civil service is largely missing until now. In this article for the first time the contributions of political science, law and public management are compared in their endeavour to look at the praxis of the public service and its relations to politics in Austria. It becomes apparent that although no discipline currently may offer an in-depth view on administration, this is especially true for political science but also for law and public management. We find that these deficits also have ramifications for the Austrian democracy, as substantial elements of a scientifically-based understanding of state activities are missing.

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